Da Beast

Yes. That is what I called my sewing machine. My relationship with my sewing machine didn’t start out smoothly. When I was learning how to sew for the first time, there were many quarrels between the machine and myself. The machine would get jammed constantly, and occasionally it would tell me off with a loud squeak. To the machine’s defense, I was a horrible sewer. I had the patience of a 5 year old and really had no idea what I was doing without any proper teaching. Remember there were no Youtube and TikTok back then. It was just me and the Singer complete guide to sewing, alone in my parent’s basement. Finally my mom gave me sewing lessons at a local sewing store for my birthday gift because she couldn’t handle the quarrels anymore. Best gift ever!

If I were to go back in time, this is what I would tell my 17 years old self. Be kind to your sewing machine and be patient with your sewing project. Enjoy the process, don’t rush. And stop blaming all the mistakes on the sewing machines. 9 out of 10 times, the problem lies with the operator.


Cut. Sew. Wear in 3 hours.


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