Hug Me Panda Stuffy DIY
With the Holidays around the corner, it’s time to think about those in need and how we can give back. It’s time to share our love with one another and be thankful for all the good things we have. This project is easy and fast to make, so you can make 2 of these cute panda stuffies. One is for you to gift your loved one, and the other one is for you to donate to a toy drive.
Download the pattern HERE
Materials you will need :
1/4 yard of white fleece or flannelette.
1/8 yard of black fleece or flannelette.
Seam allowance is 3/8”
Step 1: Make the face
Pin the eye sockets, eye balls, and nose in place. Stitch them in place
Step 2: Make ears
With the right sides of the fabrics facing together, stitch the ears together, leaving the top open. Turn the ears inside out.
Step 3: stuff the ears
Step 4: stitch the ears to the body
Step 5: Make the arms and legs
With the right sides of fabrics facing together, stitch, leaving the end unstitch.
Step 6: Stuff the arms and legs
Step 7: stitch the arms and legs to the body
Step 8: stitch the back pieces together
Make sure you leave an opening
Step 9: stitch the body back and front together
The ears, arms, and legs are all sandwiched between the front and back for this step
Step 10: turn the panda inside out.
Stuff the body!